Monday, September 7, 2009

Diamonds With Low Quality

What is a Low Quality Diamonds?
Low quality diamond is a diamond type which does not qualify "Cutting", Cutting seem not proportional ratio seen rubbing glass or Pacet unbalanced. Proportion not meet the Standard Model (defined standards or AGS or GIA Marcel Tolkowsky. The effect of glass rubbing glass that is not proportional cause this type of diamond is less shiny. Diamond market of this type known as a diamond banjar, there are also some polishing diamond polishing field that resembles as this. whereas for the diamond market with a good category known as diamond instilah Europe.

How Diamond Prices like this model?

This type diamond less desirable customers, because it's bad quality, less shiny, and less orderly arrangement. If a diamond in Jakarta this model has rarely demand. Diamonds however are still in demand in small towns that people's purchasing power is lower. Diamond pricing this type we can not refer to the table a la GIA Rappaport.

When writer task in Denpasar, a diamond like this model a lot in the Meet and usually sold in 1 set of jewelry. 1 set of jewelry consisting of 1 ring, 1 pendant, a pair of earrings.
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