Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Wonderful Beauty of Pearl Necklaces

A pearl is a beautiful stone of mother nature that is very popular and usually sported by the wealthy. Pearls, because of their origins, are precious and rare. The rarity of pearls is due to the fact they are not found in oysters regularly; it takes a lot of effort, time, and manpower to get enough pearls to make a pearl necklace. Because of the rarity in discovery, pearls are rather costly and not always available. Pearls are valuable in many cultures and seen as a symbol of the privileged.

Pearls are available in a slough of kinds, like: Freshwater Pearls, Seawater Pearls, Akoya Pearls, South Seawater Pearls, Tahitian Pearls, Black Pearls and Synthetic Pearls. The cost of pearls is dictated by quality, size, rarity and popularity. No matter what type, pearls are all quite delicate and have to be handled with care; any deficiencies can reduce the quality and value of the pearls. Earlier pearl was considered to be available exclusively to wealthy people but nowadays technology has made pearls affordable for almost all people. There is an old adage that states wearing pearls can bring about luck and success in life; many still believe this to be true.

Almost all woman's jewelry, of any kind, have the option of pearl inclusion, however, necklaces are the most popular ornament for the lady's neck. Women nowadays wear a vast collection of necklaces that coincide with their own style and essence. Because of the vast offerings in neck wear, pearl necklaces are sold in a vast array of styles, like: a pearl rope, pearl collar, opera necklace, matinee necklace, princess necklace, and pearl choker to name a few. These various types are really specific to specific occasions. Also, partial pendant necklaces are available as an alternative to the costly full-chained pearl necklaces. These styles are available in shapes like: heart, round, and oval.

Pearls are typically quite important to brides because of the added white elegance they let off; they match very well with the bride's gown. Pearl necklaces and pendants are a great present for loved ones as well. Pearl necklaces are very popular at parties because they can be formal and casual at the same time. Pearl necklaces are usually worn by popular celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey. Most jewelry makers who include this level of clientele have a wide range of them. Many of the rich part of our world own and have these necklaces made exclusively for a specific individual; these can cost much more than any other piece of jewelry there is.

Nowadays original pearls are very rare and a good majority of pearls in stores are altered in some way. Though cultured pearls are put together with the same process as natural ones, a pearl's originality with size and shape make them each one in a million. Pearl necklaces are crafted throughout the planet in nations abroad, for instance: China, Italy, Japan, and Taiwan. The previously mentioned nations have a good and long reputation for pearls and have been the leaders in this industry for many years.

Jim is a columnist with more than 10 years editorial experience. Jim is engaged as a columnist with our b2b site and is considered the company expert on pearl necklaces. Visit our useful blog for more information on Freshwater Pearl Necklace.

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