Many people familiar expression with Diamond is forever (diamond is eternal) or Diamond is a girl's best friend (Berlian is the best friend of girls). Yes, before the second expression is an example of reference will be brilliant with the proximity of human life, especially the Eve.
Compare with a pair of earrings or diamond rings valued together. If you want to be sold, the price of diamonds will still be stable.
No wonder if the diamond is also a lot of the things sought. Added scarcity of diamonds in the world, the value is steadily rising. therefore, not just as a diamond or jewelry women apply. Diamond can be a valuable investment, which is able to show the prestige of this.
According Sumarni Paramita, Gemlab Director of Adamas Gemological Laboratory of India (AGLI), diamond is a high investment value.
"Price diamonds never go down, it continues to rise. Moreover, there is already standardization price, issued by the Rapaport Diamond Report from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America), have any price increase. The owners live shiner shiner own big match with the existing price list that, "said Marni laboratoriumnya to the SP in the Harmony area, West Jakarta.
Comments similar said by Anny Muryadi, diamond traders and collectors as well as book author Diamond, Berlian Guide The Jewelry and Objects of Investment. Anny, who already know and like diamonds since small, that always give advice to people nearest to buy diamonds.
"If they buy a bag, Louis Vuitton, for example, the price will fall so the bag out of the boutique. Original price for example Rp 13 million, most only used one year can be sold at Rp 3 million. Compare with a pair of earrings or diamond ring worth the same. If you want to be sold, the price of diamonds will still be stable, "he said when met in the area of Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta.
Importance of Certificate
wew for that, people need to know the diamond lover some tips for buying diamonds. The precious stones are sold with high price. Not only a dozen or tens of millions, but also the number to reach billions of rupiah.
In the market, many circulating fake diamond from a variety of types. Start, which can be viewed in kasat to the eye can only be evidenced by the laboratory, such as diamond AGLI. This is of course dangerous. Who also want to spend hundreds of million rupiah for a false diamond stones of the same shape?
Therefore, the role of the certificate in the sale and purchase of diamonds is very important. In Indonesia, new AGLI are the only diamonds that have a laboratory. Laboratory established by the Mahardi Paramita that provide checks and making diamond certificate. In addition, two assisted Mahardi daughter, Marni, and Leticia, a course also know the tricks and the diamond stone with the name of other Institute Gemology Paramita.
About the presence of diamond and gemstone false is not something foreign to Mahardi. Before gemologi deepen knowledge in the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in 1983, it has a business in the field, continue the family business. Returned from the U.S., he then decided to concentrate in the laboratory. This is where the test was coming. Many diamond traders are surprised when they find out the false after the diamonds examined by Mahardi.
"On the market, the number may be the same or more. Moreover, as the development of technology, diamonds and pinchbeck be more difficult. Batu-precious stones that produced many false U.S., Russia, and China.Aspects of yesteryear is not merely an additional aspect. In fact, can participate in determining high-low price precious stones before.
"Berlian color pink has the most expensive price. Well, in Israel, they have the tools to shoot colored diamonds that can be muddy pink color. The price also increased drastically. Kasat If the eye, certainly can not be ascertained whether the original color berliannya results or shot. Only in the laboratory can be.
recommend buying diamonds that have a certificate. Or, if you have a diamond, memeriksakannya flee to the laboratory and created a certificate for there. This will ensure the authenticity and trust people. Moreover, the selling price and the price to buy a diamond can follow the prices set by the Rapaport Diamond Report from the GIA.
"For investment, I suggest to buy a diamond in the top 5 carat. The price will rise very quickly because this type of diamond is rarely there. The price depends on color at this time. Color M colors of around Rp 200 million, H color around Rp 1 billion. Meanwhile, 5 carat diamond is D color liquid can reach Rp 2 billion! Interested?